Db: 4.03:sap Hana Cloud Sdk For Mac
This site allows you to install various SAP development tools. The downloads are provided under the terms of the. Eclipse Software Sites To install some or all of the Eclipse tools, get an installation compatible with the desired tools and use the respective software site URL in the Help Install New Software wizard. From the Eclipse menu, choose Help Install New Software. For Eclipse Oxygen (4.7), add the URL: Then follow the steps of the installation wizard. For more information about installing SAP Cloud Platform Tools, see the SAP Cloud Platform.
- Db: 4.03:sap Hana Cloud Sdk For Mac Mac
- Db: 4.03:sap Hana Cloud Sdk For Mac Download
- Db: 4.03:sap Hana Cloud Sdk For Mac Free
In the article Free Access to SAP HANA Cloud we learnt how to get access to HANA Cloud trial instance and how to create instance. The next step would be setup your HANA Studio to connect HANA Cloud and start development. By default HANA Studio does not has Cloud Connectivity option.
If you have problems with the installation, please check the document. Getting Started with SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Environment. Download and install the. Install the required Cloud Foundry CLI Plugins from the section below.
- Click on Yes to confirm and eclipse will be restarted with the SAP HANA Cloud Tools installed. Change the Eclipse perspective to SAP HANA Modeler perspective by navigating to Window → Open Perspective → Other.From the list of perspectives choose SAP HANA Modeler.
- B) if you are located in the us or canada: in no event shall sap be liable to you, your company or to any third party for any damages in an amount in excess of $100 arising in connection with your use of or inability to use the tools or api or in connection with sap's provision of or failure to provide services pertaining to the tools or api.
Install the Eclipse Tools for Cloud Foundry from SAP Cloud Platform Neo Environment SDK The SAP Cloud Platform SDK includes platform API JARs, a local runtime for testing, documentation, samples, and the SAP Cloud Platform console client. 2.7 MB Cloud Connector The Cloud Connector is an optional on-premise component that is needed to integrate on-demand applications with customer backend services and is the counterpart of SAP Cloud Platform Connectivity. For more information, see the Cloud Connector. Note: The Portable archives for Cloud Connector are meant for non-productive scenarios only. They can be used even if you don't have administrator permissions on the machine, on which you like to use the Cloud Connector. However, those variants do not support upgrades from previous versions.
Available Cloud Connectors Operating System. Architecture Version. 136.3 MB.SAP JVM is certified for: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, 11 and 12; Redhat Enterprise Linux 5, 6 and 7, Oracle Linux 5, 6 and 7, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion), Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion), Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks), Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan). SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Node.js Deployers HTML5 application deployer (html5-app-deployer) is a npm module, which is responsible to handle upload of HTML5 applications to HTML5 application repository on SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry.
Available HTML5 applications deploy tools Type Comments Version. 2.0 MB SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK & SAP Cloud Platform SDK for service development The SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK is provided under the terms of the, publicly available on Maven Central. Try it now, and download it via the official SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK website. The SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK builds on, and is powered by, the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for service development.
The SAP Cloud Platform SDK for service development is a set of libraries that helps developers to build new OData services that are based on the Java runtime and can be deployed in the Cloud Foundry environment of SAP Cloud Platform. The SAP Cloud Platform SDK for service development is also provided under the terms of the, publicly available on Maven Central under the GroupID com.sap.cloud.servicesdk. Please refer to the documentation on for details of its use.
Multi-Target Application Archive Builder The multi-target application archive builder is a standalone command-line tool that builds a deployment-ready multi-target application (MTA) archive.mtar file from the artifacts of an MTA project according to the project’s MTA development descriptor (mta.yaml file). The archive builder is used on a file system independently of the development environment in which the application project has been created.
The build process and the resulting MTA archive depend on the target platform on which the archive is deployed. The currently supported target platforms are SAP Cloud Platform (both the Neo and Cloud Foundry environments) and SAP HANA XS advanced model. Each module of an MTA project is built using the build technology that is either associated with the module type by default or is configured explicitly. The archive builder is Java-based, currently supported on Windows and Linux.
Canon Oce VARIOPRINT DP120 Driver Manual. Printer drivers are normally software programs whose main goal is to convert the data you command through the OS to print to the form that specifies to the recognized printer. VarioPrint 2100/2110 PCL6 Driver R4.1.3 for Windows 7 32-bit (EXE, 2.3MB) For v4.1.x machines. VarioPrint 2100/2110 PCL6 Driver R4.1.3 for Windows 2008 R2/Win7 64-bit (EXE, 2.3MB) For v4.1.x machines. VarioPrint 2100/2110 PCL6 R4.1.0 Driver for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista 32-bit (EXE, 1.9MB) For v4.1.1 machines. Oce varioprint 2110 drivers for mac. Download Canon varioPRINT 110 drivers, manuals, software, firmware, safety documents and other customer support files.
For more information, see the. Available Multi-target Application Archive Builders Type Comments Version. 6.9 MB Multi-Target Application Cloud Foundry CLI Plugin (CF MTA Plugin) The Multi-Target Application Cloud Foundry CLI Plugin is used to perform operations on multi-target applications (MTAs) such as deploying, removing, viewing, etc.
Download and install the CF MTA Plugin from. For more information on how to install the plugins see. CDS Language Support for Visual Studio Code This extension features language support for the Core Data Services (CDS) language as used in the SAP Cloud Platform application programming model.
To install this extension, proceed as follows. Download the vsix file. Start Visual Studio Code. Install the downloaded vsix file in Visual Studio Code using command Install from VSIX. Name Platform Version. ABAP Development Tools This site describes how to install and update the front-end components of ABAP Development Tools (ADT) for SAP NetWeaver and SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment. It also provides you with detailed information on how to prepare the relevant ABAP back-end system for working with ADT.
In case you connect to SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment no further back-end preparation is necessary. Prerequisites Component Prerequisite Eclipse Platform Photon (4.8) Operating System. Windows 7/8/10, or. Apple Mac OS X 10.11, Universal 64-Bit, or Java Runtime JRE version 1.8, 32-Bit or 64-Bit SAP GUI.
For Windows OS: SAP GUI for Windows 7.50. For Apple Mac or Linux OS: SAP GUI for Java 7.50 SAP GUI is not required to work with SAP Cloud Platform ABAP Environment. Microsoft VC Runtime For Windows OS: DLLs VS2010 for communication with the back-end system is required. NOTE: Install either the or the variant, accordingly to your 32- or 64-Bit Eclipse installation.
Procedure To install the front-end component of ADT, proceed as follows:. Get an installation of (e.g.
). In Eclipse, choose in the menu bar Help Install New Software. For Eclipse Photon (4.8), add the URL. Press Enter to display the available features. Select ABAP Development Tools and choose Next. On the next wizard page, you get an overview of the features to be installed. Confirm the license agreements and choose Finish to start the installation.
SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Developer Edition If you want to try out the tools without having access to an ABAP Server, you can run your own one using the 'SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Developer Editon'. You can download the Trial Version of and from the SAP Store. Enhanced SAP Change and Transport System (CTS+) With the enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS+) you can transport non-ABAP objects via the on premise ABAP Server and it’s Change and Transport System (CTS). The standard offering requires the usage of a web-based user interface and a manual interaction to attach content to a CTS+ transport request. With this ctsattach tool you are able to automate this attachment step or trigger it via command line tool. It is a Java based standalone command line tool with which the attachment of files (e.g.tgz,.mtar) from a file system to the non-ABAP CTS+ transport request can be triggered (without the need of the so called Transport Organizer Web UI).
One use case for the usage of this tool is the demand to integrate the step “export and attach to CTS+” into a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline via a CI Server like Jenkins. For further details around CTS+, please see:. Details: Further information can be found in the built in help of the tool by using the command 'ctsattach help'. In order to run the tool a Java 7 or higher JRE installation is required and the JAVAHOME environment variable must be set.
After downloading the tool it must be extracted (zip archive format) to a given directory, from there it can be executed by calling the 'ctsattach' batch file. File Size 0.9 MB More Information To configure the relevant ABAP back-end system, follow the steps in the how-to-guide For more information about ABAP Development Tools, see our.
The downloads are provided under the terms of the. Modeling Tools for SAP BW/4HANA and SAP BW powered by SAP HANA This site describes how to install and update the front-end components of the Modeling Tools for SAP BW/4HANA and SAP BW powered by SAP HANA. It also provides you with detailed information on how to prepare the relevant BW back-end system for working with the BW Modeling Tools. Prerequisites Component Prerequisite Eclipse Platform Photon (4.8) Operating System. Windows 7/8/10,. Apple Mac OS X 10.11, Universal 64-Bit, or.
Linux distribution Java Runtime JRE version 1.8, 32-Bit or 64-Bit SAP GUI. For Windows OS: SAP GUI for Windows 7.50.
For Apple Mac or Linux OS: SAP GUI for Java 7.50 Microsoft VC Runtime For Windows OS: DLLs VS2010 for communication with the back-end system is required. NOTE: Install either the or the variant, accordingly to your 32- or 64-Bit Eclipse installation. Procedure To install the front-end component of the BW Modeling Tools, proceed as follows:. Get an installation of (e.g. ).
In Eclipse, choose in the menu bar Help Install New Software. For Eclipse Photon (4.8), add the URL. Press Enter to display the available features. Select Modeling Tools for SAP BW/4HANA and SAP BW powered by SAP HANA and choose Next. On the next wizard page, you get an overview of the features to be installed. Confirm the license agreements and choose Finish to start the installation.
More Information To configure the relevant BW back-end system, follow the steps in the Installation Guide in the chapter Preparation: For more information about BW Modeling Tools, see our. The downloads are provided under the terms of the. 96.3 MB SAP HANA Tools This site describes how to install and update SAP HANA Tools. Prerequisites Component Prerequisite Eclipse Platform Photon (4.8) Operating System. Windows 7/8/10 64-Bit, or. Apple Mac OS X 10.10, 64-Bit, or. Linux distribution Java Runtime JRE version 1.8 or higher, 64-Bit Memory Settings The following minimal settings are recommended, in particular the heap size parameter ( -Xmx).Xmx1024m -Xms256m Add the snippet above to the eclipse.ini file after the -vmargs parameter.
See the for more details. Microsoft VC Runtime For Windows OS: DLLs VS2010 for communication with the back-end system is required. NOTE: Install the variant, according to the required 64-Bit Eclipse installation. Procedure To install SAP HANA Tools, proceed as follows:. Get an installation of (e.g.
In Eclipse, choose in the menu bar Help Install New Software. For Eclipse Photon (4.8), add the URL. Press Enter to display the available features. Select the desired features and choose Next. On the next wizard page, you get an overview of the features to be installed. Confirm the license agreements and choose Finish to start the installation. Analytics adapter for SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model The goal of the SAP HANA Analytics Adapter (HAA) is to provide connectivity for various analytics tools to data using the InA protocol for communication with SAP HANA 2, such as SAP Analytics Cloud.
The xsahaa-release file contains the HAA as a Web Application Resource (WAR) file. This package is to be used when the HAA is combined with other XSa or Cloud Foundry applications. You need to setup your own Application Router and User Authentication and Authorization (UAA) service. The xsahaa-onprem file contains a Multi-Application Archive (MTAR) file. This package deploys a ready to use HAA including the HAA configured in named user mode, an application router, a UAA service and a HANA Deployment Infrastructure (HDI) service.
This package is the package of choice to deploy the HAA using XSa on premise. File Version Size 1.4.0 34.1 MB 1.4.0 38.3 MB CDS Language Support for Visual Studio Code This extension features language support for the Core Data Services (CDS) language as used in the SAP Cloud Platform application programming model. To install this extension, proceed as follows. Download the vsix file. Start Visual Studio Code. Install the downloaded vsix file in Visual Studio Code using command Install from VSIX.
Db: 4.03:sap Hana Cloud Sdk For Mac Mac
Name Platform Version. This page offers three options for working offline with SAPUI5:. SAP Cloud Platform, Web IDE personal edition is a companion to SAP Cloud Platform, Web IDE and is the recommended tool for users working offline with SAPUI5. It is available on Windows and MacOS. SAPUI5 Runtime/SDK for setting up your individual development environment. SAPUI5 toolkit for Eclipse can be used by Eclipse users. It is only supported on Microsoft Windows.
SAP Cloud Platform, Web IDE Personal Edition. Updated: SAP Cloud Platform, Web IDE is a web-based tool that enables you to create and extend end user applications for browser and mobile devices. It simplifies the end-to-end application lifecycle: development, build, deployment, and customer extensions for SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori applications to fulfill end user requirements and expectations more effectively. SAP Cloud Platform, Web IDE personal edition (SAP Web IDE personal edition) is intended as a complementary IDE.
It is to be installed on a personal workstation for off-line development by a single developer only. To start developing applications with SAP Cloud Platform, Web IDE personal edition: Download the ZIP file and then follow the installation instructions in the 'SAP Web IDE personal edition' chapter of the. The Personal Edition can be used for the following purposes:. Trial Use - for test and evaluation (non-productive scenarios). Note: The SAP Web IDE privacy statement has been updated.
For more information see the. Operating System Version File Size Download Mac OS (9) 1.53.5.
564.4 MB SAPUI5 Runtime / SAPUI5 SDK Use SAPUI5 to develop modern enterprise-ready web apps, responsive to all devices and running on the browser of your choice. The provided downloads are to be installed on a personal workstation for offline development by a single developer only. For each version you can choose between two different download packages:. The Runtime download contains everything needed to create and run a SAPUI5 app. The SDK download also includes the complete documentation and samples as a web page to deploy on your own server To install SAPUI5, proceed as follows. Download the zip file.
Db: 4.03:sap Hana Cloud Sdk For Mac Download
Extract the zipped file to the root directory of your local web server Available SAPUI5 versions and their maintanance status can be reviewed. Component Version File size. SAP Identity Management Tools This site describes how to install and update SAP Identity Management Developer Studio, and contains the download and documentation links to the provisioning monitor tool. SAP Identity Management Developer Studio Plugin SAP Identity Management Developer Studio is an Eclipse plug-in that provides the environment for developing the configuration for the identity management solution. Prerequisites Component Prerequisite Eclipse Platform Oxygen (4.7) Operating System SAP IDM Tools have been tested on Windows 7 (64 bit) with Java Standard Edition 8 (Java SE 8). SAP IDM Tools run in many operating environments with Java SE 8 that are supported by Eclipse.
However, we do not systematically test all platforms. Java Runtime JRE version 1.8 or higher, 64-Bit Installation Instructions.
In your Eclipse User Interface, select Help - Install New Software. From the main menu. Specify the repository site where the plugin is available from.
To the right of the Work with field. In the Add Repository dialog box, enter a descriptive name (e.g. SAP Identity Management Developer Studio) in the Name field. In the Location field enter the URL:.
for Eclipse Oxygen (4.7) Choose OK to add the repository. Select the defined repository from the list in the Work with field. The plugin for the SAP Identity Management Developer Studio appears in the list below the Work with field. Select SAP Identity Management Developer Studio (select the check box in front of the software name), and then choose Next.
The installer will calculate the dependencies and installation details for the software, and display these (if any). Review the licenses and choose I accept the terms of the license agreement. Choose Finish. You will need to restart Eclipse for the changes to take effect. Choose Yes to restart immediately, or No to restart later. In the main menu, select Window - Open Perspective - Other. And select the perspective SAP Identity Management.
Choose OK to open the perspective. Then choose Yes to reset the perspective to default. More Information.
SAP Identity Management Provisioning Monitor Tool The provisioning monitor helps the administrator to easily troubleshoot problems related to a specific entry in the provisioning queue. Depending on your SAP Identity Management version, you can use the provisioning monitor as follows:. For 7.2 SP05 and higher SPs, and for 8.0 SP00 and SP01: SAP Identity Management provisioning monitor as a standalone tool. As of 8.0 SP02 and higher, the provisioning monitor is integrated with SAP Identity Management Administration User Interface. Optionally, you can still download the provisioning monitor as a standalone tool. The downloads are provided under the terms of the.
Db: 4.03:sap Hana Cloud Sdk For Mac Free
SAP Cloud Platform Integration Tools This site describes how to install and update SAP Cloud Platform Integration Tools. SAP Cloud Platform Integration facilitates the integration of business processes and data across on-premise and cloud applications. Process integration capabilities allow you to integrate business processes spanning different companies, organizations, or departments within an organization. Data integration capabilities allow you to efficiently and securely use ETL (extract, transform, load) tasks to move data between on-premises systems and the cloud. About the Features Process Integration.
Operations for SAP Cloud Platform Integration: This feature contains plugins to perform administrative tasks related to SAP Cloud Platform Integration runtime clusters, and to monitor integration flows. Adapter Development Kit: This feature allows you to develop new adapter types tailored along specific requirements. Data Integration HANA smart data integration is a built-in data provisioning server in any HANA database. With this technology you can load data in batch or real-time into your HANA database on the SAP Cloud Platform. In addition to the HANA database you will need these components:. Data Provisioning Agent: On-premise agent for connectivity to on-premise source systems.
Data Provisioning HANA Deployment Unit: A deployment unit to be imported in your HANA database. This XS application will include a proxy to enable the communication between the onPremise agent and the data provisioning server and also adds monitoring capabilities. Both components can be downloaded from the Data Integration section below. Process Integration downloads Prerequisites Component Prerequisite Eclipse Platform Oxygen (4.7) Operating System Windows 8 64-Bit NOTE: The SAP Cloud Platform Integration Tools are not supported for MAC OS Java Runtime JRE version 1.8 Procedure To install SAP Cloud Platform Integration Tools, proceed as follows:. Get an installation of. In Eclipse, choose in the menu bar Help Install New Software.
In the Available Software page of the Install wizard, add the update site URL. Select the following three options:. Show only the latest versions of available software. Group items by category.
Contact all update sites during install to find required software. Select the SAP Cloud Platform Integration Tools category.
Choose Next. Check the features selected for installation and choose Next. Accept the terms of licensing agreement and choose Finish. Restart the Eclipse IDE. Adapter Development Kit Adapter Development Kit (ADK) allows you to extend the connectivity options of SAP Cloud Platform Integration by enabling you to develop new adapter types tailored along specific requirements. For detailed information on how to use the APIs, refer to the.
Generic API: Adapter API: Using Script API The Script API allows you to access the message currently in process and provide system logging. For detailed information on how to use the APIs, refer to the. Generic API: Script API: More Information.
Documentation for SAP Cloud Platform Integration in. ‘Integration Designer’ perspective is discontinued in Eclipse with the adoption of Eclipse Oxygen. Please use the web application instead. You can continue using Eclipse for ADK based adapter development use cases. For more information: Data Integration downloads Prerequisites. HANA database as a service on HCP.
HANA SPS11 or SPS12 (e.g. MDC HANA instance on hanatrial.ondemand.com). Windows or Linux machine (x8664) to install the Data Provisioning agent. Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2. Linux SuSE 11 (SP2, SP3, SP4), SuSE 12 and ReHat 6.3, 6.5.
JAVA 7 (SAP JVM 7.1 or Oracle JVM 1.7.x) Procedure In order to install and configure SDI for HCP, follow the step-by-step instructions at the bottom of Downloads Component Operation System Architecture Version. SAP Mobile Tools SAP Web IDE Hybrid App Toolkit enables developers to develop hybrid mobile apps in SAP Web IDE. The apps can be previewed and deployed to mobile emulator and device in local development environment via Hybrid App Toolkit Connector. SAP WEB IDE Hybrid App toolkit add-on is in More Information For more information about installing the SAP WEB IDE Hybrid App toolkit add-on, see the. SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) SDK Use the SAP Mobile Platform SDK to build and deploy mobile apps that keep people connected.
This industry-leading mobile application development platform solves mobility challenges, supports mobile apps that fit your business-to-enterprise (B2E) or business-to-consumer (B2C) use case, and helps balance device user requirements with enterprise requirements. SMP SDK for Windows - Use the SAP Mobile SDK for Windows to build.NET, Windows Store and UWP apps See the for more information about the SAP Mobile Platform SDK. Available SAP Mobile Platform SDKs SAP Mobile Platform SDK Comment Version. 21.3 MB SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS provides native Swift frameworks for enterprise iOS app development. You can download the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS from the. More Information The SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS includes well-defined layers (SDK frameworks, components, and platform services) that greatly simplify development of enterprise-ready mobile native iOS apps that take full advantage of iPhone and iPad features (Touch ID, location services and notifications, and so on). It is tightly integrated with SAP Cloud Platform mobile service for development and operations.
For more information, see the. SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Android The SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Android provides native libraries and development tools for creating native Android mobile applications. You can download the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Android from the. More Information The SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Android provides native libraries and development tools for creating native Android mobile applications that use SAP Cloud Platform mobile services. The SDK is based on the Java programming language and is built on top of Google's Android SDK.
Kotlin is fully supported and can be used to build applications using the SDK. This SDK focuses on application development with a 'device to back-end' view instead of only client-side libraries. The tools in the SDK are specifically designed to help you quickly develop the framework for enterprise apps so that you can focus on implementing your business logic.
The SDK ships with an Android Studio plugin called the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for Android Wizard ('Wizard'). This Wizard generates a ready-to-run Android studio project that uses APIs from most of the components in the SDK. For more information, see the. The downloads are provided under the terms of the. SAP Leonardo Machine Learning foundation plugin for SAP Cloud Platform CLI This site describes how to install and update the ML plugin for SAP Cloud Platform CLI. SAP Leonardo Machine Learning foundation runs on SAP Cloud Platform and enables you to smoothly integrate your SAP application with SAP Leonardo Machine Learning applications. The CLI is a way of interacting with the foundation and using its services, e.g.
To simplify data upload for Retraining and Bring your Own Model scenarios as described in the official documentation. Getting Started To install the SAP Leonardo Machine Learning foundation Command Line Interface (CLI) Plugin, first install the latest version of the. Then, download the latest version of the SAP Leonardo Machine Learning foundation CLI for your operating system using the table below. Once the download is finished, unzip the package and install the plugin:. Linux/Mac OS: cf install-plugin -f sapmlcli.
Windows: cf install-plugin -f sapmlcli.exe Once the plugin is installed, login your Cloud Foundry organisation and space where your instance of the Machine Learning foundation is deployed. Then initialize your training data file system with cf sapml fs init Available ML foundation CLI Plugin Downloads Operating System Architecture Version.
SAP Development Tools To obtain the SAP Development Tools, you first need to read and agree to the following End User License Agreement. SAP DEVELOPER LICENSE AGREEMENT Please scroll down and read the following Developer License Agreement carefully ('Developer Agreement'). By clicking 'I Accept' or by attempting to download, or install, or use the SAP software and other materials that accompany this Developer Agreement ('SAP Materials'), You agree that this Developer Agreement forms a legally binding agreement between You ('You' or 'Your') and SAP SE, for and on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries and affiliates (as defined in Section 15 of the German Stock Corporation Act) and You agree to be bound by all of the terms and conditions stated in this Developer Agreement. If You are trying to access or download the SAP Materials on behalf of Your employer or as a consultant or agent of a third party (either 'Your Company'), You represent and warrant that You have the authority to act on behalf of and bind Your Company to the terms of this Developer Agreement and everywhere in this Developer Agreement that refers to 'You' or 'Your' shall also include Your Company. If You do not agree to these terms, do not click 'I Accept', and do not attempt to access or use the SAP Materials.
LICENSE: SAP grants You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited use license to copy, reproduce and distribute the application programming interfaces ('API'), documentation, plug-ins, templates, scripts and sample code ('Tools') on a desktop, laptop, tablet, smart phone, or other appropriate computer device that You own or control (any, a 'Computer') to create new applications ('Customer Applications').