
Best Chess Games For Mac

Best Chess Games For Mac Rating: 8,2/10 152 votes

The best 25 Chess games for Mac OS daily generated by our specialised A.I. Comparing over 40 000 video games across all platforms for Mac OS. The order in this selection is not absolute, but the best games tends to be up in the list.

Features Interactive, Immersive Board Stockfish has a gorgeous board that looks fantastic on Retina Displays. It's full of nice touches: when you click or drag a piece, its destination squares are highlighted in yellow, and the best move is shown with a red arrow. Plus, you can go full screen for the most immersive chess experience. Top-Notch Chess Analysis Analysis is powered by the Stockfish chess engine, the strongest free chess engine in the world. You're getting top-notch analysis that surpasses the strongest human chess grandmasters. Advanced Features Stockfish has many enhancements for advanced users.

You can browse through multi-game PGN files, copy and paste FEN strings, utilize Syzygy endgame tablebases, and use MultiPV. Free and Open Source Stockfish is completely free, and the source code is under the GPLv3 license.


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What's New in version 2.0 Updated Design We've given the app a visual refresh: there's a new color scheme, dramatically improved animations, and a new toolbar. Updated Engine The new Stockfish engine is about 45 ELO stronger than Stockfish 5.

Best Chess Games For Mac

And there's a 5% speed boost if you're using the latest Haswell processors. MultiPV Sometimes you want to know the 2nd or 3rd best move in addition to the best move. Enable more lines of analysis in the Engine menu. Undo/Redo Now Stockfish will warn you if you're about to overwrite the game history with a new move, and you can always undo. Endgame Tablebases You can select a folder of Syzygy endgame tablebases for Stockfish to use during analysis. (Tablebases downloaded separately.) More Options You can adjust the engine's skill level and contempt, or have Stockfish automatically tweak the settings for strongest play.

Visually, I like Stockfish chess. So many of the chess apps are very cluttered and distracting-faux wood grain, 3D pieces, etc. However, Stockfish has no built-in online multiplayer feature.

Free Chess Download For Mac

You'd have to email the positions back and forth. This can be done from within the program. It is nice and clean. Doesn't Zynga, the company responsible for Words With Friends, make a Chess With Friends?

Edit: Chess With Friends is currently iPhone only-it has to be up-scaled. I'm interested to see what you come up with. Click to expand.Good find.

This is a very good chess program with a coach function. You can also play variations which is very helpful if you are studying chess positions. The engine is very strong. Maybe not as strong as Hiarcs but more than strong enough for a middle class player like me Unlike some other chess programs, it works on both ipad and iphone, no need to buy seperate versions.

BTW, I paid $0,99 two months ago when it was on sale. Normal price is $9,99 so I'm suprised it is free now (for a limited time probably). Click to expand.From what I've read on various websites: - Hiarcs - Shredder - Chess pro with coach - tChess pro - Stockfish: free (open source), but a very strong engine All these are very strong and will defeat any average player easily. Of course you can set the strength to your liking. Chess pro with coach and tChess pro are universal binaries for iPhone and iPad.

You have to buy separate copies of Hiarcs and Shredder if you want to play chess on iPad and iPhone. TChess pro has no landscape mode My advice would be: get Stockfish if you just want to play chess. It is free, but very good, much better than other free and paid apps. Then if you want more specific features, purchase one (or more) of the other apps. If you want to play remote with others: - Social chess - Chess - play and learn.